Starting a business

Starting a business: The key steps for a successful business creation


The paperwork to start a business can be done quickly and easily. From web platforms specializing in the legal formalities of setting up a business, to official websites for registering your activity, through online legal notices (JAL): everything is done to allow you to easily and quickly set up your business.

Please note, the possibility of creating your company remotely should not prevent you from carrying out an entrepreneurial reflection on your motivations and the profitability of your business. So how do you start a business for free? Follow the guide !

Step 1: Take stock of your entrepreneurial project

In order to create a business, it is essential that you develop your idea to transform it into a concrete project. You need to have a clear picture of your future business.

How do you plan to develop your clientele?

Starting a business requires reflection on yourself, your motivations and ambitions, but also on setting up a schedule, both on time and on your budget. So ask yourself:

You will need to carry out a market study and a business plan to know your market and your strengths.

Before starting your business quickly, ask yourself if it will allow you to generate enough profitability to live on! You will need to carry out market research for:

Validate the request in your catchment area;

Know the expectations of your target customers in order to offer them a suitable offer;

Analyze your competitors to differentiate yourself …

In addition, if your project requires it, it would be useful to protect your business creation project: filing a trademark , filing a patent … After all this, you can move on to the business plan.

Step 2: The business plan

Depending on the size of your project, you will be able to decide whether it is necessary to make a business plan. Big business creation projects and companies needing to raise funds are forced to build a business plan. In order to establish your business plan, you can call on chambers of commerce and industry and organizations to help start a business.

If your project is fairly standard and does not require significant funding, a simplified forecast may be sufficient. This process can allow you to question yourself on subjects such as the expected turnover, the deadlines to which the clients will pay, the operating costs to be expected, the most appropriate tax system in relation to your result

Step 3: Choose a legal status for your business

Ditto, before rushing to carry out your administrative formalities for setting up a business, you will need to know which legal status to choose: a sole proprietorship, a self-employed company, a commercial company (EURL / SARL, SASU / SAS)?

Each legal status results in a different tax and social regime , but also a specific treatment of your professional and personal assets in the event of indebtedness. You should therefore find out about the consequences of your legal status before setting up your business.

In addition, the costs of starting a business differ depending on the legal form chosen. They are free for the micro enterprise , but count several hundred euros for a joint stock company or for a limited liability company.

To quickly choose your legal status, you can go to web platforms specializing in legal formalities for setting up a business.

In addition to the possibility of dematerializing certain procedures, this type of site also offers online questionnaires to help you identify the most appropriate legal status for your entrepreneurial situation.

You can also upload your supporting documents to your customer area, to move your file forward more quickly.

This step is not easy, it is recommended to turn to a professional. Thus, our advisers are at your disposal for all information related to legal status, free business creation, accounting … For more information, visit our site .

Comparison of legal statuses

Step 4: Find a room / office to set up your business

The choice of your room depends on your project. The question is: Do you really need a room?

If your activity does not necessarily require premises, your company can be domiciled with you. This is the case, for example, when you have to work directly with your customers or from your home without receiving customers.

If your activity requires a room, you must carry out research taking into account certain criteria such as the surface of the room, the geographical area, the necessary equipment, parking …

Choosing your location is an important step when it is your point of sale, so the location must be strategic. In order to acquire premises, it is inevitable to use real estate agencies and websites.

When you choose your premises, you must absolutely take into account the standards to be respected in the context of your activity. The town hall can provide you with information on this.

Once your premises have been found, a lease will have to be contracted, an important contract which stipulates the duration and the financial commitment. All clauses must be checked. You must therefore make sure that all the conditions allow you to carry out your activity in good conditions.

virtual data room software

Infographic created by Donnelley Financial Solutions, virtual data room software

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