social media marketing

Why focus on social media marketing in 2022?


Social Media Marketing is today one of the main items of business marketing strategies. This is because, in B2B as in B2C, every company knows that its potential customers spend a lot of their time, get information and entertain themselves on the various social platforms. Here’s how to set up an effective strategy: the choice of channels, the contents to be published, the most well-known management platforms, the performance indicators of the campaigns, the calculation of the ROI are among the preliminary operations for a successful project.

What is Social Media Marketing in 2022 and what is it for?

We must start from a definition of Social Media Marketing : SMM is a form of digital marketing that uses social networks and networking platforms to promote the products and services of a company or a freelancer. The goal of Social Network Marketing is also to create interactions with consumers and prospects by working on the commonality of values and interests, to create affinity with the recipient of the message and make him become attached to the brand. Communications and marketing actions – it is also possible to sell through social platforms, Social Commerce is increasingly used today – have the characteristic of being bidirectional and 1: 1, therefore very engaging and friendly . Basically, investing in Social Media Marketing allows a company to improve the visibility of the brand, respond to requests regarding the offer, promote new products and services in a smart way , direct purchasing decisions with a budget that is all in all contained. .

The social network platforms available

Let’s see which are the platforms most used by marketers for Social Media Marketing campaigns for companies.


Average monthly users: 2.9 billion
Average target: 30-60 + years
Industries (B2B and B2C): e-commerce, fashion, retail , banking, financial services, insurance, entertainment, real estate, healthcare

Whether it operates in B2B or B2C, a company cannot exempt itself from having a presence on Facebook . This platform combines the best features of almost all social media and offers the brand the concrete possibility to meet its target audience.

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Average monthly users: 330 million
Average target: 35-50 + years
Industries (B2B and B2C): news, tech , e-commerce, retail , travel , sport, healthcare, telco

Brands use Twitter primarily for customer care , because it is the platform that customers prefer for timely interactions with the brand.


Average monthly users: 260 million
Average target: 25-45 years
Industries (mainly B2B): legal , tech , manufacturing, marketing, HR, education

Being present on LinkedIn is mandatory for a B2B organization, because this media offers numerous growth opportunities for the brand’s business. B2C brands use LinkedIn primarily for researching potential partnerships.


Average monthly users: 1 billion
Average target: 25-35 years
Industries (mainly B2C): e-commerce, retail , fashion, food &beverage , beauty, entertainment, travel , real estate

Instagram is a mobile platform that focuses heavily on the ” visual ” component of engagement, through the sharing of videos and images. Its popularity has grown exponentially in recent years and the trend does not seem to stop. Those who sell “physical” products in which the design component prevails cannot help but enable Shopping on Instagram, an immediate and functional connection to e-commerce.


Average monthly users: 2 billion
Average target: 18-45+ years
Industries (B2B and B2C): Virtually any industry and brand can create effective video content for marketing purposes

YouTube is an online video content sharing platform that allows users, whether individuals or companies, to view, share and upload. Just think that YouTube is the second most used search engine on the planet after Google.


Average monthly users: 400 million
Average target: 18-45 years
Industries (mainly B2C): photography, art, beauty, e-commerce, fashion, architecture, food , DIY

visual platform that is a very powerful source of inspiration for businesses. In particular, fashion and catering companies will be able to find the right audience for their marketing campaigns here.


Monthly active users: 1 billion

Average target: 16-24 years

Industries ( mainly B2C): retail, health, food & beverage, beauty, automotive, fashion

TikTok ‘s is incredible growth in a very short amount of time. Its ability to entertain, the speed and simplicity of use, the viral trends that are generated within it, can be effective for companies that cater to a rather young audience but aware and attentive to the quality of what they look at.

Benefits of social media marketing in 2022

We have seen that social media is a fundamental tool in 2022 to create direct contact with your customers, increase the brand awareness of your e-commerce or your brand, and find new customers.

To exploit their potential, however, it is not enough to have a profile or create a page. Social media are rich and varied tools and must be used competently and above all with precise objectives. Without proper training, even advertising on social media doesn’t guarantee you will have a return on your investment.

Each social network has its own characteristics and must be used with a precise mission and with a targeted language.

This is why it is important to rely on professionals in the sector, who can best interpret and enhance your offer. LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 is a social media marketing agency that, with over 20 years of experience, develops integrated communication strategies for social media.

We analyze your business objectives before managing any page and then develop the marketing plan that best suits your needs.

Request a free consultation for your company now!

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